What is Torah Fund? I know that I have asked that question many times myself. At first I thought this was a fund to raise money for the purposes of buying and caring for Torahs. O.K. that is what happens when you let my mind run wild without control.
But after a little more conversation (with those who know) about Torah Fund and what it does I was very excited to find out that it is our commitment to the preservation of Conservative Judaism. Through our generous financial support , we help maintain the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Ziegler School at the University of Judaism, Camp Ramah and other Conservative Movement institutions (including Seminario Rabinico Latrinoamericano in Buenos Aries, I just learned about that one last night) which provide for the education of Rabbis, Cantors, teacher, young people and lay leaders who represent the future of our Jewish community.
One of the ways that we support Torah Fund is by donating (any amount will be appreciated) $180 or more and receiving this years Torah Fund Pin . These pins will be handed out on Friday September 8th at the Torah Fund Shabbat Dinner. Keep an eye on your mailbox for the Torah Fund Flyer and Donation card. When you receive it, fill it, out send it back and wear your pin proudly, knowing that you have done your part to help Conservative Judaism in the next generation.
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