Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
What's Your Sign?
But it wouldn't be a Sisterhood event if we didn't acknowledge the good things that were going on in our lives like Riki Golbergs Birthday .
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Happy Jewish Mothers Day
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
We Welcomed Cheshvan
Hey Esther.... I see you
Monday, October 23, 2006
Did you know?
The 11th of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan (November 2nd), the day of passing of our matriarch Rachel, has been declared the "International Day of Unity for Jewish Women," or, in its colloquial usage: Jewish Mother's Day.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Rosh Hodesh is a woman’s celebration of the NEW MOON.
Come celebrate with us
and leave with a stronger connection to your own heart and soul.
Leading our Rosh Hodesh Service will be
Rabbi Lynne Kern
Rabbi Lynne Kern is a native of California (the San Fernando Valley, to be specific). She's a graduate of the Ziegler School at the University of Judaism and is currently affiliated with Temple Beth Haverim in Agoura Hills. Rabbi Kern has distinguished herself as a poet, writer, teacher and news journalist for which she received a Pulitzer Prize. Her women’s Torah study sessions are filled with a strong emphasis on the role women played in our history
In addition to all of her academic and creative talents, she is also a wife and the mother of three.
Rosh Hodesh with Rabbi Kern is both a spiritual and renewing experience. Together we will celebrate the NEW MOON of CHESHVAN with songs, poetry, sharing, and prayer. It’s uplifting, joyful and inspiring.
Come for the camaraderie,
leave with a renewed connection to your own heart and soul.
Special guest:
Cindy Paley,
musical educator, performer and recording artist.
Cindy has distinguished herself as the Music Educator at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino since 1977. Her numerous musical compositions, songs and CDs have become an inspirational part of the lives of many. Cindy has become involved in creative prayer services for women and adds an amazing dimension to our Rosh Hodesh Service.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
L'Shana Tova
Next week we Jews will begin our 5767th year on this earth! Who would have believed this possible? If anyone had told Abraham that his people would be around this long he probably would have been astounded.
Imagine, we did this without beheading anyone on TV, without a single suicide bomber, without kidnapping and murdering school children, without slaughtering Olympic athletes, and without flying airplanes into skyscrapers.
We lasted this long despite 400 years as slaves in Egypt, 40 years of wandering in the desert, the mighty Roman army who nailed us to ten thousand crosses; despite the best efforts of fervent Crusaders, the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler's third Reich, Stalin's gulags, Arab wars of annihilation and 100 years of hateful terrorism, hundreds of hate-filled UN resolutions!
How did we Jews do it? We survived by concentrating our efforts on education, love of family, faith, hard work, helping one another and a passionate dedication to life no matter what evil befell us!
We hung in there in hope the rest of the world would one day overcome it's hatreds, jealousies, violence and join us in a life of cooperation and mutual respect.
We're not there yet, but we're still hopeful. And when so many of us enter our places of worship next weekend, this is what we'll pray for with all the strength in our hearts.
Best wishes for a New Year filled with health, happiness, laughter, success, joy, and kindness and may this coming year bring peace and security to Israel and to the Jewish communities in the Diaspora.
5767 and counting!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
What's going on in our Gift Shop
Friday, September 15, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Belly Dancing and Martinis
Now is that a combination or what?
A great evening was had by all those who danced and those who watched. I didn't keep track of who was sampling the martinis, but they were good also.
A special thank you to Parvin Delshad for providing our instructor.
Now, I will tell you that some of us were a little more experienced than others
We even had a mystery dancer...I know who she is do you?
As someone who tried to do the dancing (of course after a martini) It wasn't that difficult ... it was the connecting of the top half of my body to the bottom half that was the challenge. However as you can see some of us were able to do it just fine. Click here or here or here for a little video of the lesson. (just remember the videographer is an amateur)
If you attended the event we would love to hear from you and if you took pictures I would love to have them so we can add them to the blog, please send them to .
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
It's Time to Show our Stuff
It is that time again ... when Miriam Carroll starts to look for Sisterhood members to participate in the Women's League.
Women's League Shabbat is when we all work together to take on the responsibility of running the entire (yup, the whole thing) service.
So take a look at everything that is available and find something that you can do to be a part of this wonderful weekend:
Friday Night
[ ] Friday Night- English Reading
[ ] Saturday Morning-English Reading
[ ] Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat (You may list specific prayer(s) you would like to lead)
.. (Since this is Hassidic Shabbat, we will be using those melodies)
[ ] Friday Night Maariv (You may list specific prayer(s) you would like to lead)
Saturday Morning
[ ] BÂrachot Hashacar
[ ] PÂSukei DÂzimra
[ ] Shaharit (including Eemahot in repetition)
[ ] Shema and VÂhaavta
[ ] Open or Close Ark
[ ] Gabbai
[ ] Introduction to Torah Reading
[ ] Torah Service
[ ] DÂVar Torah
[ ] Aliyah
[ ] Read Torah
[ ] Mi She-Berakh
[ ] Hagbah
[ ] GÂlilah
[ ] Introduction to Haftorah Reading
[ ] Haftorah
[ ] Returning the Torah
[ ] Musaf (including Eemahot in Repetition)
[ ] Adon Olam
[ ] Kiddush
Once you have found the part oserviceservce that you want to do please compete the Sign Up Sheet send it in to Miriam Carroll.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Sept 8th Torah Fund Dinner
What is Torah Fund? I know that I have asked that question many times myself. At first I thought this was a fund to raise money for the purposes of buying and caring for Torahs. O.K. that is what happens when you let my mind run wild without control.
But after a little more conversation (with those who know) about Torah Fund and what it does I was very excited to find out that it is our commitment to the preservation of Conservative Judaism. Through our generous financial support , we help maintain the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Ziegler School at the University of Judaism, Camp Ramah and other Conservative Movement institutions (including Seminario Rabinico Latrinoamericano in Buenos Aries, I just learned about that one last night) which provide for the education of Rabbis, Cantors, teacher, young people and lay leaders who represent the future of our Jewish community.
One of the ways that we support Torah Fund is by donating (any amount will be appreciated) $180 or more and receiving this years Torah Fund Pin . These pins will be handed out on Friday September 8th at the Torah Fund Shabbat Dinner. Keep an eye on your mailbox for the Torah Fund Flyer and Donation card. When you receive it, fill it, out send it back and wear your pin proudly, knowing that you have done your part to help Conservative Judaism in the next generation.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Our First Event August 16, 2006
An evening of Fun, Food and Information
Sisterhood's first event was an Ice Cream Social with four skits to get us thinking.