It was a beautiful Sunday Morning as we (your 2008-2010 board) gathered at our Presidents house for a retreat to start off the next term.

We started with a delicious brunch but shortly after that we got down to business. First we did a little bit of self introduction by playing 2 truths and a lie....

so here is a little of the game for you to figure out:
who in our group if any...
Dated Jerry Mathers (Beaver Cleaver)
Is fluent in Maderin Chinese

Is there an Opera Singer, Librarian or an Olympic Swimmer in our group?
oh yes and how many nurses are there on the board?
After some very surprised ...Did you really?!? we got down to business
First we had to define who we are or maybe who we are not? so everyone answered these three little questions?
Who is sisterhood? ~ What is sisterhood? ~ Why does sisterhood exist?

The first thing we figured out is that we are not our mothers Sisterhood...
Yes, we are in the kitchen, but we are also on the Bihma
Yes, we talk about how to celebrate a holiday but we talk about how to celebrate it in the home in the synagogue and in the community.
Yes, we worry about Israel but we also do things to help the situation on a personal level and on an organizational level.
our mothers sisterhood gave us a great foundation and we are taking it to the next level and are looking forward to see where our daughters take their sisterhood when it's their turn to take the reigns.
The day ended with a little bonding building project:
we had paper, tape and straws and each teams goal was to see which group could work together to build the tallest free standing tower